The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a non-refundable tax credit provided by the federal government, with an additional provincial supplement available. In British Columbia (BC), the provincial supplement for the 2022 tax year amounts to $8,303. If you resided in British Columbia on December 31st, 2022, and meet the eligibility requirements for the Disability Tax Credit, you are entitled to both the Federal Disability amount of $8,870 and the provincial supplement of $8,303.

This benefit applies to one year of the Disability Tax Credit. However, if you meet the eligibility criteria, you can retroactively claim the disability tax credit for up to ten calendar years, even if you missed claiming it in previous years. By going back ten years, you can claim both the Federal Disability amount and the Alberta Disability Tax Credit supplement, potentially resulting in a significant tax refund. This amount does not include other supplements you may be eligible for.

It’s important to note that you do not need to be “disabled” to qualify for the disability tax credit. Any medical condition may qualify you for this credit.

We offer free eligibility assessments for the Disability Tax Credit.  Let us sort through the process for you and inform you of what you may be entitled to.

Read more about the Benefits of Being Approved for the Disability Tax Credit.