Disability Tax Credit AutismAutism, also known as ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects approximately 1 in 66 children between the ages of 5 and 17 in Canada. The symptoms of autism can present themselves in a variety of ways, hence the ‘spectrum’ in ASD.

The most common symptoms include:
-Delay or difficulty with speaking.
-Repetitive use of phrases, interests, behaviors, and body motions.
-Increased attachments to objects.
-Difficulty regulating mood and behaviors when adapting to change.

ASD can present itself in a variety of ways and the above list just touches upon some of them.  Some people with autism function at a high level (looking at you Elon Musk), and others with more debilitating symptoms struggle to fit in and function in everyday life. The disability tax credit is available to those in Canada, whether you’re an adult or a child with autism. With that said, not everyone who has autism qualifies for the disability tax credit. As previously mentioned, symptoms take on various forms and severity.

Disability Tax Service has been successfully helping Canadians with Autism get approved for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) for almost two decades. We understand the complexities of autism and how and where it fits into the criteria outlined by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). We know what symptoms to focus on and how to present them to ensure the highest chance of success. By getting approved you can expect to receive a disability tax credit refund of over $40,000. Let us guide you through the process. Contact us for a Free Eligibility Assessment today.

Read more about the Benefits of Getting Approved for the Disability Tax Credit.