Picture of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Disability Tax Credit for IBS in CanadaThe number of Canadians with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) has doubled in the past decade. Canada has one of the highest rates of IBS in the world.¹ Many people who have IBS, including IBS-D, IBS-C, and IBS-mixed, don’t realize that they might qualify for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC). 

Living with IBS means dealing with persistent symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel patterns such as constipation and/or diarrhea and others, depending on the type of IBS you have. While some individuals can manage their symptoms through lifestyle adjustments such as the FODMAP diet or medication, others find their symptoms persist and continue to significantly impact their daily lives. If your symptoms persist, you may qualify for the DTC.

Getting approved for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) will not only allow you to receive a substantial disability refund but also many other benefits. Our clients have received $40,000 and more.  Getting approved for the DTC opens up the door to other benefits, such as the supplement to the Canada Workers Benefit, Canada Caregiver Credit, Child Disability Benefit, and the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), which provides matching government grants and disability bonds.

We’re here to assist you with navigating the process and to ensure you receive the maximum amount, for all tax-related benefits you’re entitled to. We will provide you with a free eligibility assessment and an estimate of the amount you can expect to receive, with no obligation.

Find out if you Qualify

Don’t be left wondering if you qualify. Even if you think you won’t qualify, we want you to reach out to us. Let us be your guide you through the process. You won’t be disappointed.
Request a free review.

Questions and Answers – IBS and the Disability Tax Credit

  • How common is IBS in Canada?
    IBS (including IBS-D, IBS-C, IBS-mixed type) is very common in Canada. Canada has one of the highest rates of IBS in the world and that number has doubled in the past decade.¹
  • Does IBS qualify for Disability in Canada?
    Yes, you can qualify for the disability tax credit program for having IBS in Canada. You may also qualify for provincial benefits (ODSP, AISH, etc.) and federal benefits such as CPP-D.
  • Can you get money for having IBS?
    Absolutely. You may be eligible for a disability tax credit refund, caregiver credit, supplemental to the Canada workers benefit, Canada caregiver credit, RDSP – disability bond and grant program, and more.
  • How much disability do you get for IBS?
    We’ve successfully helped many Canadians receive the benefits they deserve, upwards of $40,000 or more by getting them approved for the disability tax credit because of the symptoms of IBS they experience.
  • When does IBS become a disability?
    IBS becomes a “disability” in respect of getting approved for the disability tax credit when the symptoms of the condition meet the “prolonged and significant” criteria set forth by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Prolonged means the symptoms have been present for at least a twelve-month period of time. Significant means the symptoms must impact your ability to perform the basic activities of daily living, bowel elimination, to the point where it takes you an inordinate amount of time to perform that activity when compared to someone without an impairment, substantially all of the time. Is your head spinning yet? Mine too and I went to school for law. Contact us to discuss your details so we can work through the details and do the heavy lifting for you.
  • How do I get support for IBS?
    Contact us! Request a free, confidential, no obligation, eligibility assessment. 

Source:¹ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22426087/ ‘Global prevalence of and risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome: a meta-analysis’